Dear John (Boatshed Lincolnshire), Reference: Moyle Rose : I write to you with reference to the purchase of the above Motor Sailor in June 2011. Firstly, I would like to thank you most sincerely for all your understanding, and guidance. As you know this was my husband and I first boat purchase, and we found you very helpful with respect to the Survey, and guiding us through the whole buying process.

- Anon | Boatshed Lincolnshire

You were always there to answer all our questions, no matter how silly they may have sounded, and most of all, you was NOT pushy to make the sale, which we found fantastic. Thank you John, for everything, we are so pleased with our new boat. Yours sincerely

- Mrs L Robinson | Boatshed

Hi Boatshed North Wales, Just for your information,we arrived back home at approx. 10pm last night after a very long journey,traveling down at 7580 mph is not the same as going home at 5560, all went well on the way with no unforeseen hiccups,roads very busy around the Manchester area but after that traffic dwindled away all way the north,going through Aberdeen was a breeze. Boat into the water today in it's new berth on Banff Marina, full gale of South East wind here with lots of rain today so not really a day for pleasure boating,only had a quick tour of Banff bay but was impressed with what I saw in the short time, I must admit boat is actually better than what I expected and my 3 boys are over the moon with the new addition to our family. As you can imagine I had some slight reservations about dealing over the internet,so far away from home ,on something I had never seen first hand with my own eyes, and I can only thank you both for your total honesty and pain free transaction. I forgot to mention yesterday but your web site is the most informative of any of the ones I viewed and certainly does away with a lot of the guess work. I only hope this email does not make Andrew all the more envious he never bought the boat for himself...... best regards

- Derek West | Boatshed North Wales

I can’t think of anything that you could have done better in this process regarding quick feedback and making me feel that I had your full attention during the whole process. I always felt that you were serious and made me feel comfortable that everything would be okay regarding all papers required and transport of the boat. This was my first purchase of a boat abroad, and based on the experience with you and Steve; I will do it again if the right boat is for sale. I am very satisfied with you at Boatshed Costa Brava as a broker and can warmly recommend you to anyone else. So if you ever need a reference in Norway do not hesitate to give them my phone number. Have a nice autumn… Best regards

- Paal Svendsen | Boatshed Costa Brava

Dear Sirs, I write following the purchase of a preowned Crownline 250 through Boatshed Port Solent. I had the pleasure of dealing with Ian Dawes, who conducted business in a exceptional manner, It was a pleasure to do business with a professional that not only knew what he was doing but more importantly took the time to find out exactly what we were looking and how he could best meet those requirements. The sales was completed to everybody's satisfaction within 48 hours and we were kept fully informed of each and every stage of the sale. If all Boatshed sales are conducted in the same manner you can I am sure expect your business to grow at a rapid pace. I will certainly be returning to Boatshed for my next boat purchase. Yours sincerely

- Carl | Boatshed Port Solent

I have just sold my Hunter Horizon through Ian Dawes at Port Solent. I have been extremely impressed by Ian from our first contact to the completion of the sale. His presentation of my boat on the web site was excellent, with photos that go far beyond any other brokers. He presented the boat well to interested parties and was clearly responsive to their questions and followedup well afterwards to obtain feedback. But most importantly from my perspective, he kept in regular contact keeping me informed on progress of viewing's and feedback. Finally with an offer on the table he has worked hard to keep the purchasers happy. Best regards

- Tony Rice | Boatshed Port Solent

Just wanted to say how delighted we are with Bright Future and she is looking really good now that we have cleaned her up a bit. Many thanks for all you did for us during the sale, it is very much appreciated.

- Jane | Boatshed Medway

Good evening, Boatshed Hamble Thanks for the email below giving me the update..., as soon as i'm settled in my villa, I'm going to buy my boat!!! I've learned so much from the Boatshed people all across the country, i have only good recommendations for you lot. Regards

- Dean | Boatshed Hamble

To Boatshed Barcelona: I think you are exceptional brokers at boatshed!!!

- Stef Dujardin, Belgium | Boatshed Barcelona

To Boatshed Barcelona: Once again, thank you both very much, I am very pleased with the smooth transaction and the level of communication I have received.

- James Leone, Ireland | Boatshed Barcelona

Boatshed Barcelona: Tan sólo quería darte las gracias por toda tu gestión realizada durante la venta. La verdad es que no se me ocurre una manera más facil de vender un barco, me ahorré las inumerables visitas de compradores y solo tuve que enseñárselo a una persona verderamente interesada (despues de que había pagado una señal) que finalmente lo compró. Te agradezco también tu ayuda con el papeleo y gestión del pago.

- Ricardo Lozano, Barcelona | Boatshed Barcelona

Boatshed Barcelona: Por otro lado, me gusta mucho tu página web creo que es la más completa de las que conozco en Internet, y me parece que está muy bien realizada y por una persona que le gustan los barcos. Muchas gracias, de nuevo.

- Andrés Bermejo | Boatshed Barcelona

Boatshed Barcelona: También te he de decir que visito vuestra página habitualmente porque me parece muy bien hecha y ajustada a mis gustos.

- Jesús Hernandez García (Madrid) | Boatshed Barcelona

Boatshed Barcelona: Which bring me to say to you, that we feel you are the most reliable broker we have been in contact with

- Michael Hampel-Beckendorf (Denmark) | Boatshed Barcelona

De primera mano os puedo decir que Boatshed Barcelona, funciona bien, es un buen vendedor y aconseja bastante bien. ( a mi me ha vendido el barco)

- Francesc Parra | Boatshed Barcelona

To Boatshed Barcelona... If all sales people were like you, we, the buyers would be very happy, broke but happy...

- Martyn Schofield | Boatshed Barcelona

Luego nos queda la feria flotante,iremos sobretodo a saludar a nuestro queridísimo. Boatshed Barcelona. Si podeis,visitarlo, es un hombre muy majo.Tiene barcos muy baratos y preciosos........ hay barcos, casi regalados. Nos ayudó mucho con las gestiones de nuestro velero.Como le digais que me conoceis....... es posible que se tire al mar (es buzo),ja,ja,ja........

- Eva-Kristina Salvador | Boatshed Barcelona

de todas maneras no te quepa la menor duda de que estoy muy contento de tu trato y del servicio que presta Boatshed Barcelona y que no dudaré en recomendar a cualquier amigo que quiera comprar o vender un barco.

- Joan Illa | Boatshed Barcelona

Hi Ian. Just a note to convey my thanks for completing the sale of "Osprey of Down" The Nimbus 380 Commander. As you know I had it with Offshore Powerboats for some time without much success. Thank you for your diligence, patience and professionalism during the process and be assured that I will recommend Boatshed poole to any of my friends who are in the market to either buy or sell. Once again. My sincere thanks

- Hubert | Boatshed Poole

Thanks for all concerned in the selling of my boat, especially Ian at Boatshed Port Solent. The deal was easy and quick and I will use you again. I will gladly recommend your service to any prospective customers. Kind Regards.

- MIKE PLEDGE | Boatshed Port Solent